International Kite Mahotsava

Indus Vally Civilization
September 23, 2015
Itineraries & Packages
December 4, 2015

Started in the year 1989, International Kite Festival attracts the connoisseurs of kite from all corners of the world. Today, the entire sky of Ahmedabad is covered with a plethora of designer kites and the whole atmosphere reverberates with the shouts of over-energetic people. Excited spectators watch shapes like snake and eagles soar into the sky and musicians and singers cheer the winners of the competitions.
Kite-flying starts at dawn and continues without a pause throughout the Day. A tremendous variety of kites is seen and the connoisseur can choose Precisely what he wants. Even the lines with which the kites are flown are Specially prepared by experts. Special mixture of glue and ground glass Cover the lines which are dried and rolled onto reels know as " firkees ". So sharp are these lines that, carelessly used they can cut a finger. At Nightfall it is the time for illuminated box kites, often in a series Strung on one line, to be launched into sky, it is called " tukkals ".


January - 10th to 14th